supporting the la dance community
Los Angeles, California
our mission
Brockus Project Dance’s mission is to increase access and impact of dance in an equitable way. We provide artists accessible space and performance opportunities that builds a connection between the community and artists. We fulfill our mission through these four sectors:
Holiday PARTY 12/12/23 7pm
bring a silly cheap gift for the gift exchange a
clean out your closet clothes - drop and take
food and drink and friends
BrockusRED - “Extractions”
@ Theatre Raymond Kabbaz
12/7/23 8pm
tickets www.theatreraymondkabbaz.org
evening of mixed rep
West hollyWood showcase
Sept 15&16 ‘23
“Gender View”
produced by Brockus with funding support from the City of West Hollywood
Pullmer Park - Fiesta Hall
theme : gender representation in another artfrom translated / commented upon in a dance
^ choreographers showing work :BrockusRED / Gretchin & Alejandro / Charlotte Katherine / Brian Frette / Andrea Burr/ Seda Abey
Long Beach Gives -Sept ‘23
- day of giving supporting our LB youth dance program that is Free to low income schools- your dnoation goes directly to the teaching artists that work with the ki
Come see us in the Park Celebration- Arts & Culture Fair & Concert Sept 21, 12 to 6 PM at Rec Park Bandshell - Corner of E7th and Park Ave in Long Beach
Festival Shows
S.Korean/LA movement exchange
Oct 6-9 in Seoul Korea 2023
June 19-24 in LA 2023
Met and Mix with artists from another country Experience a Different way to think about movement - Explore choreography inside a S.Korean piece that you will perform
Youth classes/Summer intensive
teens 11-18 FREE
stay tuned for Fall/ Winter 2023 dates
Funded by a grant from the Calif Arts Council
Residency - SHIFT/west Sunflower project
- showcase June 29-30
note it is for SHIFT / Date/ email so we can confirm
Funded by a grant from the Calif Arts Councillos angeles dance festivalsion/interviews with choreographers/ Movement classes
Company Activities
Teaching company Adult class ! Tue/Wed/Thrus/Fri FREE
technique class - all levels - welcoming to returning dancers of all ages
Multiple grants supporting
For schedule check our Insta Gram page Brockusprojectstudios every sunday for the week or brockus.danceinla@gmail.com
Performing :
Sept 15& 16 in WeHo
Oct 5-6 in Carmel
Oct 6-9 in South Korea
Dec 7 TRK
Oct 21 performing at Taste of Soul - Lula Washington’s event
Oct 26 filming for Women and Girls Empowerment
Schools we bring dance to in LAUSD & LBUSD 2023-2024
Elementary :
Roosevelt / Vine/ Ramona/ Van Ness/ Grant/ Stanford/ Smith
Middle : Stanford
High :Grand Arts